Medtech Aesthetic Capital Company


Principal Electrical Engineer


  • The CTO had reviewed and interviewed hundreds of candidates for this role, leading to significant losses of time and efficiency in this client’s fast-paced, start-up atmosphere. At this juncture, Summit Search Consultants was engaged.

  • The client was looking for a highly-specialized combination of significant prior medical device electrical engineering experience, a balance of design vs. test engineering exposure and prior success in a small company environment.

  • Given the leadership mandate for the incoming Senior Electrical Engineer, the client also sought a track record of success leading teams.

  • The client required that this candidate was local given the requirements of this role, company culture and upcoming milestones.


  • SSC identified and approached 203 targeted candidates, narrowing the selection down to a Shortlisted 10 candidates.

  • In an iterative and highly-collaborative process, SSC specifically targeted not only medical device start-ups, but more specifically those organizations with disruptive product offerings requiring heavy lifting from their electrical engineers.

  • With only 55 days to hire, a strong candidate was placed with extensive experience in startups within the medical device world.

“We are so impressed. Your team works quickly and is very organized which produced many options for us to make a hire. I like reserving your services for our high level searches.”

— VP of HR, Cytrellis

Ciera Krinke

At Digital Box Designs we specialize in all things Squarespace web design, and optimize your site through thoughtful and strategic copywriting and search engine optimization.

Proptech Startup


PE Portfolio Company Executive Team Build-Out